Property Doctors is your one-stop shop for inspections. The more inspections we do for you, the more money you save, and you will always know that you have the right guy for the job.
Home Inspection
The price varies by square footage, age, and type,of home.
*This is just a base pricing formula; the precise price can be sent once the booking form has been submitted.
*All current or prior military personnel receive 10% off the home inspection price!
Square footage of Home
1,000 and under............$300
1,001-2000 ...................$350
2,001-3,000 .................$375
3001-4000 ...................$400
7,000 and up.........$1,000 for 7 hours of work. $125/ hr after 7 hours.
*Additional structures (including detached garages, barns, etc.) are an additional $35-$150 each.
Age of Home
Built after 2010 no added charge.
2000's.................add $10
1990's.................add $15
1980's................add $25
1970's.................add $35
1960's or earlier.......add $50
(if remodeled since 2010, only add $15)
Foundation type
Add $50 for pier and beam foundations.
We go anywhere in DFW, but Lord knows gas isn't cheap... There are a few areas (past Sherman, Denton, Caddo Mills that we add a trip fee.
Phase Inspections - This is for homes that are being built.
Phase 1 -This is done just before the slab is poured.
up to 4000 sq/ft = $225.
4001 and up sq/ft = $300
Phase 2 -This is done before the sheetrock goes up.
up to 4000 sq/ft = $275
4001 sq/ft = $375
Phase 3 - Is the final inspection and the price is based on sq/ft as listed at the top of the page.
Termite (WDI) Inspection​s - $150
$100 w/ home inspection
$25 for each additional structure
$10 is added for every additional 1,000 square feet after 3,000 square feet.
Sewer Scope (RECOMMEND) - $200
Cleanouts must be present for us to perform this inspection. We will go from the cleanout to the street looking for roots, breaks, and other issues with your main sewer line.
Sprinkler System Inspection​ - $100
$35-$70 w/ home inspection -Price depends on size and style. The inspector can let you know a precise price once on site.
We will do an infrared scan on all exterior walls, plumbing areas, and electrical panels. This will help detect possible leaks, insulation gaps, bad electrical breakers, and other possible issues behind the walls. While we can't see through walls, this helps get us a little closer.
Price -up to 3k sq ft. add $25 for every additional 1K sq/ft.
Photos will be included in the report under the wall section.
Pool Inspection​ - $150
$75 w/ home inspection
Well Inspection - $200
$175 w/ home inspection
(This includes a visual equipment inspection and water lab sample for ecoil and coliform)
Septic Inspection $250
$225 w/ home inspection (Anaerobic)
$150 (Aerobic)
(Prices are subject to change based upon depth, location, and number of tanks)
Engineering Report
Slab – starts at $350 up to 2000sf, then $100 per 1000sf
Pier and Beam – starts at $400 up to 2000sf, then $100 per 1000sf
Slab measurements - $99.00