Contact Us
817.401.4002 (office)
Or click here to contact an individual Property Doctor.
Our availability, the price of the inspection and specific questions can only be accurately answered once we have the BOOK YOUR INSPECTION form filled out.
There are numerous factors that go into pricing and scheduling such as home location, square footage, foundation type, additional inspections such as termite, irrigation, pool etc.
We know that you are in an option period and time is of the essence, so go ahead and fill out the book your inspection form, we can usually get to your inspection within two days and the average inspection price is $350 and up.
If we cannot accommodate your schedule, we will send you back that form or we can forward it to another inspector who we respect.
Either way, we are here to get you what you need so that time does not prevent you from getting the best inspection possible.
We look forward to working with you!